Don’t get this book if you want to cling to the belief that most artists never make money.

Don’t get this book if you dislike being challenged to think and grow.

Don’t get this book if you want to remain stuck and penniless.

This book inspires, challenges and equips artists to change their mindset, market themselves and to make money. Yes, I said money.

Thriving artists, as Jeff names them actually make money so that they can create more art.

Real artists are examined and discussed in detail in the book, both those who thrived and those who starved. Jeff’s prose is clear, easy to read, insightful and engaging. I read through this book in one sitting and took extensive notes. It is packed full of ideas and practical strategies to help artists thrive. I will be returning to this book in the future.

You can hire an expensive business coach (which I have done!) to help you change your mindset, or you can read this book and apply it. You can spend hours researching ideas on how to market yourself, or you can read this book and get a head start. You can spend years believing that your art cannot create an income, or you can read this book.

Don’t wait! If you have decided you are ready to thrive, order the book and click here to fill out this form for your free bonus material. You will thank me later.

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