In the 10 months since we brought Eli home from the hospital, he has changed. The small baby who was dwarfed by the car seat has more than doubled his weight and now fills the car seat. Incredible.

Continuing to learn and grow as an individual has long been a passion of mine. When I look at Eli, I wish the growth process were as easy as an adult. I swear that Eli wakes up from naps taller and heavier. His body is sprouting up and out on a daily basis.

If only I could take a nap and wake up with new insight, ideas and maturity. If only others got as excited about me developing as new parents get about a baby’s first steps.

The first step to creating a personal growth spurt is: ownership.

Everyone is busy within their lives and if you are lucky enough to have people encouraging you to grow, know that this is rare. No one else can MAKE you grow and learn; you have to choose to make it a priority.

The story Stephen Covey shared on the CD I listened to last week has been on my mind: sharpen the saw. The man who stops sawing the tree trunk to sharpen his saw will cut it down faster than the man who continues to saw with a blunt blade. Covey encourages his listeners to spend an hour a day on self-development.

Another passion of mine is being productive. I love getting results and seeing the effect of my efforts, but I am reminded that to be most productive, I must take care of and develop the vessel and gifts I have been entrusted with. If only my body, mind, skills, soul and talents would develop and take care of themselves.

Once you take ownership of your growth: create a plan.

If you want to be successful, keep it simple. I have three things I aim to accomplish each day to sharpen the saw. This is just what works for me; you will need to reflect and decide on what will work for you.

My sharpen the saw list of three is

  • Exercise
  • Devotions (meditate on scripture & journal)
  • Read a chapter (currently on my bookshelf is “Sleeping Through the Night” byJodi A. Mindell on helping babies sleep and “Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action” by Simon Sinek.

I picked these three things because they impact my energy level, soul wellness and energize my mind with new ideas.

The investment we make in learning, growing and taking care of ourselves will yield dividends beyond what we have invested.  [TWEET THAT]

Instead of being selfish, doing these things equips me to serve with excellence, energy and insight. I am no longer trudging forward with a tired body and limited by my own expertise, I am becoming physically stronger and able to share the expertise I have gleaned from experts.

How do you sharpen your saw? Is there something on this list you want to try? 

I always love hearing from you.
