Have you ever wondered if you have what it takes to be a writer? Do you look around and compare yourself to other writers, wondering what the secret sauce is to their success?

It’s time to bust the myth that there is only ONE successful writer personality.

If you are using the excuse of WHO YOU ARE (your personality) to sabotage the habit of consistently writing or as a fuel for your search for the secret sauce of writing success, it’s time to STOP.

Regardless of your StrengthsFinder, Meyer-Briggs, or Enneagram number, you need to know:

Every writer has weaknesses.

After talking to hundreds of writers about their personalities and greatest challenge, the data is out. EVERYONE, as in EVERY SINGLE WRITER has weaknesses.

This is good news. It means our weaknesses do not disqualify us. We are not behind or below others. Every single human being, every single writer has weaknesses that affect our writing.

Knowing our weaknesses is the FIRST step to moving past them. They are simple stepping stones and barriers for us to move PAST.

So the great news is that you are not alone. Whatever you’re struggling with in your writing journey today, you are not alone in struggling with it. So I encourage you – ask your questions here, in the Unstoppable Writers group – it is VERY LIKELY someone else will have been waiting for you to SPEAK UP because they are struggling with the EXACT SAME thing.

Every writer has strengths.

You may be blind to your own strengths, but trust me, they exist.

In the same way that all of us have weaknesses and are not alone in having weaknesses, we all have strengths. Whether you can see your own gifts or need a friend to CALL THEM OUT. It’s time to step into YOUR VOICE, POWER and LIGHT.

Why not become KNOWN as someone who CALLS OUT the STRENGTHS of OURSELVES & OTHERS. So whether you are participating in a social media promo thread, or on someone’s email list: when you see them crush it in their wording or use captivating language- take five minutes to call out the strengths of others. So often we’re blind to our own strengths and it really takes someone from the outside, looking at us, giving us feedback.

Bonus Tip: Do this with the influencers you most admire and it can spark the beginning of a no strings attached beautiful friendship.

Every writer needs writer friends. 

Has your loving partner or even a family member ever told you that you are crazy for pursuing writing and a creative career?

The writers with supportive understanding friends and family are BLESSED because MANY writers do not find this type of support at home. This is why EVERY writer NEEDS writing friends. We cannot do it alone.

My biggest take away from starting conversations around personality for writers is that we need each other.

Every single writer sees the world differently and has different strengths. There’s tremendous unstoppable power when we come together: giving each other feedback and encouragement to PERSIST.

One of my weaknesses may be your strength, and vice versa.

This is why UNSTOPPABLE WRITERS was created. THIS is why we do not need to COMPETE and TRAMPLE each other to get to the top or become a best-seller. There are more than enough readers in the world to read all of our books.

Success is not “I Win” or “You Lose.”

We can win together and get there faster by catapulting ourselves and others to success.


It’s time to build your circle of power and connections. There are writers WAITING to be YOUR friend and connection.

If you are a writer reading this and you have not joined the Unstoppable Writers revolution yet, click here to join us.

It’s time to CALL OUT your gifts. In the comments TYPE in ONE strength you have.

I know it can be daunting if we are struggling with seeing our strengths, or feeling insecure. It’s time to step into the tremendous power of identifying and calling out the strengths in ourselves and in others.


I’ll go first: one of my top strengths is ‘achiever’ and I’m an INFP. I love getting things done even though I could day dream all day. I live in the tension of being a dreamer and doer. And so I bring that to my writing – this desire and urgency to finish things as well as to bounce around ideas and spin them into stories.

Now it’s your turn. Comment below with ONE strength and how it serves you as a writer.