
  • Is It Good Enough?

    When we overhear a person saying “it’s good enough”, our first thought is that they did not give their best. The mindset of good enough can look like an excuse for mediocrity. It is easy to make a snap judgment that good enough is not…good enough.  I’ve found that this snap judgment creates a heavy burden. I […]


  • A Hell of a Story

    At least I’ll have one hell of a story. Reframing the potential failure of a blind date as having the potential for a good story, even if the date turned out badly, gave me courage to meet a stranger for coffee. Instead of feeling self-consciousness and fearful about the date, I came ready to be fully […]


  • How to Stop the Clock

    Would the moments we treasure lose some of their value if we could stop, rewind or indefinitely pause the clock? My baby is one. The weight and shape of him as a newborn has disappeared into the past and today he is a curious explorer tottering forward on chubby legs, daily gaining momentum and stability. I remember the […]