
  • Facing Off Fear

    “What would my life look like without fear?” She glanced around her room and thought about her day: getting ready for work, taking the bus to her downtown office and spending the day answering calls from customers. Some of them would be kind and others would be their cantankerous selves. She had been dreaming again, […]


  • WHY Finding our WHY Matters

    There are days where I long for a blueprint to be delivered by a white dove from heaven: The blueprint for Deanne’s life and the reason for her existence. It seems easier than having to think, pray and wait on God’s purposes. It would mean an elimination of the confusion and wondering of where events […]


  • Why I Don’t Like Miracles…

    Miracles are risky because they require a gap between reality and desire. They imply a deficit, need or crevice where more is required. I would rather not be in need of a miracle. The Oxford dictionary defines a miracle as, “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is […]