When asked what I see on the page of paper, my eyes instantly go to the small ink spot sketched moments ago. “A black dot.”


I overlook the white space surrounding the dot.

The same is true for the pain points in our lives. We forget the gifts and kindness bestowed upon us and focus in on the areas causing friction and challenge in our lives. Instead of appreciating the unity my husband and I have in so many areas, I obsess about the area we see differently on. “How can I convince him I’m right?”

Instead of embracing my knowledge gaps as an opportunity to grow, I use them as excuses to give up without trying.

Instead of acknowledging my strengths as a mother, I focus on the areas of my weakness, allowing a heavy burden of self-doubt and shame (I’m not worthy) to settle on my shoulders.

 Gratitude shifts our focus to the white space and reminds me of what I have.  

An extraordinary world filled with comforting and awe-inspiring creations: trees, skies, creatures, and water to name a few. Five senses that connect us to the world and allow us to experience things deeply. Communication, feelings and time to develop friendship, memories and intimacy with loved ones.

Despite having a very busy 16 month old who HATES sitting still, I aim to be still throughout the day to soak in the moment. I pause between playing and half finished tasks to sit on the couch and breathe deeply. As I breathe in, whisper or think a name of God (Jesus, Abba, Father…) and as I breathe out, “thank you for…”

The prayer I continually return to is “Jesus, thank you for your love.”

Pausing and thinking of His love open my eyes to His gifts: the free couch we received from a friend who didn’t even know I had been praying for one, clothes for Eli, food, the people He has brought into my life, His blessing and guidance over my writing…

I remember.

“The biblical laments…recognize that forgetting cannot only be a cause of disobedience; it can also become a reason to lose hope–just as remembering can become an occasion for finding it again…the hope-giving power of memory”

“The power of memory is not that it somehow creates hope by itself, but rather it provides a means of connection to the only One who can provide hope”

–Michael Card in “The Hidden Face of God”

There will always be friction and pain points in our lives.

When I am facing challenges and anxiousness rises up in me, I often write down a list of everything and then cry out to God (lament) for perspective, strength and wisdom.

I want to be honest in my gratitude and my sorrow.

It’s beautiful that we have an entire day dedicated to thanksgiving, but it takes more than turkey and mashed potatoes to have gratitude take root in our hearts.  Gratitude is having a sense of wonder and humility. We see experiences, possessions and people as gifts bestowed upon us.

The opposite of gratitude is entitlement. When I feel entitled, I grasp and believe that I deserve and can own and hold onto gifts. My world becomes small as my energy is focused on holding onto things.

Gratitude is open handed, embracing the gift for as long as it is bestowed upon me. I do not own the gift, it has been entrusted to me for a time. Although this doesn’t mean that letting go is not painful.

I’ve been doing this with my work. I continue to feel tinges of sadness over the position I left, managing a department. The journey bringing me into the position and the having discovered work that utilized my strengths while bringing me joy was a gift. Currently my gift is having character and patience built deep in me as I take care and invest in a busy busy sixteen month old who can exacerbate me to my wits end one moment and then cause my heart to overflow with affection the very next.

Incorporating gratitude into our daily lives brings deeper contentment and joy. We see the gifts of the past (peace) as we embrace the gifts of today (joy) and begin to believe in the gifts of the future (hope).

How do you embrace gratitude and incorporate it into your daily life? 

For my American friends, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

For each of you, may you be filled with peace, joy and hope as we move forward in our journeys.


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