As writers we bring the invisible into the visible world. The work is vulnerable and takes great doses of courage. While the standard in the world is to hide and protect our vulnerabilities, creatives speak/write/paint them into the world and share them.

Every person has parts of their story they would rather hide and delete, but these are often give art its tension, texture and depth.

Jesus is a powerful example of someone who had nothing to hide: born in a barn, parents who lost him for DAYS, and consistently associated with the outcasts. If God had come to us in a more ‘perfect,’ ‘wealthy,’ or ‘together’ form, would we have believed that He truly loves each of us, regardless of our accomplishments and station in life.

This gives me tremendous hope as a creative. My story does not need to be perfect. I do not have to hide the deepest and most sacred parts of myself: they can be gifts I infuse my work with, giving with generosity and joy.

As creatives our work has the power to spread light and hope, even in the dark chapters and poignant endings. We are in this human experience TOGETHER.

  1. Show up.
  2. Even if the work is vulnerable and the creations of your hands fall short of the vision in your head.

The second challenge to our creativity is comparison. Can I let you in on a secret? There will always be someone with better vocabulary and mastery of the craft.

A secret from Scripture: Jesus did not come to impress, but to connect.

If we are creating and following the Creative Call He has placed within our soul: it is enough. Whether the results are all we hoped for or not, the process of obedience and creativity changes us for the better.

Growth comes from taking action.

We will never have enough information to do it perfectly. Can you imagine if babies waited until they had the strength to walk tall and proud? It is in the TRYING and PULLING ONESELF UP to TRY AGAIN that the strength is gained to walk.

Writers get to choose between fighting the process or embracing it to grow and catapult forward.

2. Connect. Forget about comparing, dig deeper. Find out the story and you will discover that those you compare and judge yourself against have walked a path very similar to where you are now.

Look around. See others traveling on the same road or similar roads.

Want to travel fast = go it alone.

Want to travel FAR = we are better TOGETHER. (Which is why I formed the Unstoppable Writers revolution)

3. Do something that scares you every single day.

What I have found for myself: when I am not writing and consistently creating, I start to feel a sense of lethargic discouragement because I KNOW in my bones that I was made to CREATE.

Be like a kid holding onto the monkey bars to make it across, even if you ended up in the sand just moments before. Be like the kid unafraid to splatter paint outside of the lines.

I recently heard Jia Jiang speak and immediately picked up his book, Rejection Proof. This is at the heart of becoming an UNSTOPPABLE WRITER. We will face rejection, criticism and technical challenges. Can I get an amen, anybody?

I have the serenity prayer on my bathroom wall because I cannot control everything that happens to me, but I have choices in how I will react.

Let’s be UNSTOPPABLE WRITERS together!