Have you picked your word for 2020 yet? 

The first time I used this strategy, I picked the word FLOURISH. The first picture that came to mind was this amazing tree that was lush and green. A beautiful tree full of birds and nests.

So when I picked that word, I felt pretty good. I was excited. I thought, you know, this is going to be such a fun year when I’m flourishing. And then a few months into it I felt God kind of whisper to my soul, “Okay, now it’s time for root work.”

That year actually became a time of laying the foundation for me to FLOURISH. I found myself doing things that weren’t necessarily all lush green and fun, like the tree I had seen in my vision. It was about hard work that often felt messy, and dark like dirt. 

The word FLOURISH gave me vision and the motivation to do the root work.

The following year, the word that came to me was ABUNDANCE. This word spoke to my heart about what I already had, and during that year I was easily able to see what I was being given. 

I had started that year living in L.A. with my husband Jon. 

Our little boy Eli was only three years old at that time. We were living in a small studio apartment and I was working from home,

This did not feel like a very ABUNDANT season, and so it almost felt ironic that I had picked that word.

I eventually discovered that when I choose a word for the year, it really becomes part of a conversation I get to have with God.

This will be the fourth year that I’m using this strategy. I actually found that picking a word for the year improved all areas of my life.

3 Ways Picking a Word for the Year Can Focus You & Fuel Your Writing

#1. Captures the Essence of Where You Are Choosing To Go

As writers we love words, and yet initially when I picked a word for the first time I thought, I’m gonna get bored

Can there really be that much to learn about a word?

However, each time I saw my word it would cause me to pause, think, and learn. It allowed me to slow down.

Having that word in front of me everyday really guided my journey, and helped me make decisions along the way.

#2 Creates Valuable Constraints for Your Creativity to Flourish

Constraints aren’t necessarily a problem, they are more of an issue that you get to creatively resolve. Therefore, constraints can actually breed creativity. 

As creatives we may think that we need to have wide open spaces. For example, “I just need to quit my job and have all this extra time to write and then my creativity will flourish.”

The amazing thing is that creativity actually flourishes even more, and at a deeper level, when there are constraints.

Dealing with Constraints

Issue: I get carried away with my writing and my family suffers.

Resolution: I’m gonna write one hour a day and then set my pen down.

Issue: I have a full time job.

Resolution: I’m going to squeeze my writing into my life and put it on my calendar.

Issue: I never seem to finish my projects.

Resolution: I’m going to pick one project and finish it before pursuing another. 

Picking a word for the year also helped me to start avoiding shiny object syndrome…

The image that comes to mind when I think about how our creativity actually flourishes within constraints is like seeing a tiny flower growing out from the crack of a sidewalk. When you’re walking along and you see a flower there in the pavement, it’s even more beautiful than if you saw it where it should be, in a garden with a bunch of other flowers. The beauty comes from the contrast.

Are you in a season where you feel constrained? Perhaps you’re working a full time job, have little kids or both. I just want to encourage you that picking a word and really using it throughout the year can be grounding and motivating.

#3 Sparks Conversations and Deepens Learning

The third way that picking a single word can help you grow your writing in 2020 is that it sparks conversations.

When I pick a word…I start getting stories, pictures, and lessons around that word and even make connections with other people.

If you have picked a word in the past and/or had a word for 2019, let me know by leaving a response below.

I’d love to see the word that you pick for 2020. I’m excited to see what you choose. Your word can become a lens, a filter, and a way to check in so you can stay focused and productive. 

My word for 2020 is CONNECTED.

This is one of the reasons why I would like to let you know that in my facebook group of Unstoppable Writers we are all about embracing who we are and that we have control over our writing destinies.

We get to decide if we are Unstoppable, especially with the emergence of self publishing. 

Our focus is around writing consistently and taking appropriate breaks for rest and rejuvenation. We believe that criticism and discouragement need not stop us and that is why we connect with one another for support.

This is a place for connecting with other writers and creatives.
We are all about launching our books and/or products with confidence. I invite you to join us here.