It’s been a rough start to the week.
As I jogged this morning, visualizing the stress being left behind me as I plodded forward, the song blasting from my headphones reminded me, It’s okay not to be okay.
Sigh. It’s easy to add extra weight to our emotions by piling on guilt and frustration that we ARE even feeling these things in the first place.
The only place I encourage the heaping on of extra servings is: favorite desserts and doing what you love!

Adding extra guilt and frustration to any situation is always counter-productive, whether it’s to my life or to my writing.
So I wanted to pop into your inbox and share this powerful reminder:
It’s okay not to be okay…as long as you know, everything will be okay.

Seasons change and today is a new day, a fresh start.
Let’s take a breath and let go of 99 % of ALL the things
to focus on a few priorities
whether you are in a waiting season with your art and dreams,
or moving forward at an all-out sprint.

Hit replay and tell me what you are letting go of today!
Stay strong my friend,