How are you doing in the midst of COVID-19? As you know, every country and state is being impacted. We are collectively going through this as a community. 

So many of you are now at home, focusing on staying safe and healthy. 

One of the most important things we can do, during this time, is to connect and show compassion. If your social media feed is like mine there is a big spectrum of how people are reacting. There is a lot of emotion online and people are looking for real connections.

As writers, we have an incredible opportunity to step out as leaders. We have the ability to ask questions as well as share our own stories and thoughts.

Each of you has a tremendous gift of words and the world needs your gift right now to feel connected and safe.

Right now there are 2 camps emerging within the creative community.

1. Ramping up – embracing this as the best time to be uber-productive. 

2. Pausing – reflecting on the change and asking what does my creativity look like in this season

Which camp are you in?

How creativity is sustaining me during this time of social isolation…

Rather than pushing hard and going into production mode, I am using this season to be kind to myself. 

We are all navigating new terrain in less than perfect circumstances. 

What does it look like to give yourself permission and space to slow down?

For me, this means using creativity to center me…finding ways to be creative that keep me in the present moment. For example, doing a puzzle (even though I typically dislike puzzles), free flow journaling to release all of my new thoughts and emotions, and drafting out ideas for future books and launches.

What doesn’t center me during this time is having a busy schedule or doing a deep edit of a current project. I am immersing myself in projects that keep me fully present.

What is one way you will use your creativity to center yourself during this time?

Our creativity can connect us to other people.

When we share glimpses of what we are working on and how it is helping us cope, we inspire others. 

My favorite posts are from people who are sharing the good they are seeing and experiencing in the midst of less than perfect circumstances. It’s fun to observe their creativity coming through pictures, paintings, sketches, or snippets of their stories.

Share what you are creating and how it is moving you forward during this moment in time.

Creativity can sustain us and change us.

Every single book I’ve written has changed me. Whether it’s a story I was passionate about or a message that has impacted me deeply. 

As we shelter ourselves for this moment in time, our creativity will carry us through.  

Your creativity is a gift. 

Look for ways to enjoy and immerse yourself in your version of creative endeavors. 

Create something you love every day, then share it with someone you love. 

Looking forward to seeing your creativity flourish this month.