I carefully cut out the article. Could creativity really be learned and cultivated? 

A whisper of hope to my caged inner creative.

As a pre-teen, I didn’t think twice about my creativity. I wrote songs and stories and freely shared them with anyone who would listen.  As I traveled through my teenage years, I began to second guess my creativity against the contrast of those around me and experiences that left me feeling small.

Comparison is poison to creativity. Comparison kills creativity. [tweet]

Although I’ve long since lost the article, the main idea remains: creativity can be cultivated and learned.

While there is no arguing that some people are born with creativity oozing out of every pore, that does not disqualify the rest of us from creativity.  Regardless of whether we label ourselves creative or whether we are hand picked for creative classes and projects, we can foster an inner life of creativity. Creativity is not a “you’re in” or “you’re out” club. I like to think of it as a continuum or spacious place where there is room for everyone.

A rich inner life leads to creations with depth, insight and a life of their own. We cannot breathe life into a work if we do not have life beating within our chest. Life begets life. [tweet]

There are seasons of busyness and dryness and wondering if the words will ever dance again, but as we nurture our creativity and skill: they grow.

Creativity and skill are learned; this is why success comes to those who persist. [tweet]

My favorite ways of inspiring myself creatively:

  • reading prose, poetry and stories that take me in and away
  • nature’s detailed delicate patterns, colors and shapes
  • the ocean’s vastness where I lose and find pieces of myself
  • brainstorming on a topic and seeing where it takes me
  • writing prompts and allowing my mind to roam free

The sad news: there is no such thing as a new idea. The great news: there is no such thing as a new idea.

As an emerging artist or new writer we can be overwhelmed by the art and professionalism we see in others. What if they are already doing what we have always dreamed of doing?

Hear me when I say, “It doesn’t matter.” 

Even if two people tell the same story; they will tell it differently.

Our generation needs storytellers, writers and speakers who can communicate life-giving truths in a NEW way. Your voice is important. Some days you will know this to be true; other days you will be lost in a fog wondering why do I write… We can find comfort in knowing others have traveled before us and that this vacillation between confidence and doubt is normal.

“It’s also why ‘noncreative people’ hate ‘creative people.’ Because they’re jealous. They sense that artists and writers have tapped into some grid of energy and inspiration that they themselves cannot connect with.

Of course, this is nonsense. We’are all creative. (emphasis mine) We all have the same psyche. The same everyday miracles are happening in all our heads day by day, minute by minute.”       –Steven Pressfield in the The War of Art

We can schedule our creativity and while there will be days where we rise from our writing time with rambling empty words, other days we will strike gold. If we do not show up, our minds and hands remain empty.

I only write when I am inspired. Fortunately I am inspired at 9 o’clock every morning.
—William Faulkner

For years I felt disqualified as a creative. Whether it was the lingering memory of being overlooked as a teenager or the nagging self-doubt of adulthood, it has taken years to chip away the thick guard of protection (prison!) I built around my inner creative. She was always there; simmering beneath the surface like a secret.

10 years ago I had never heard about blogging.

3 years ago I had never considered self-publishing.

A year ago I doubted whether I could write full time.

The catalyst idea of investing in my creativity, skill and writing has gained momentum in my life. There is no such thing as a perfect beginning or time to start writing. Start today.

If you have any questions, shoot me an email. I’m happy to help.  Thank you for journeying with me.


PS: If this post encouraged you, please consider sharing it with your friends via Facebook.

PPS: If you haven’t picked up my Ebook yet, Living with Dragons, it is currently available for $2.99 (usually 4.99) on Amazon. It’s a great place to start finding freedom.